Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Have Neglected You Once Again, But I Return in the Spirit of Procrastination!


So it's been a really long time since I've written a post and I feel bad about it. A lot has happened in the past year-ish so let's do a really do quick catch-up.

1. I GOT A KITTY!!! Her name is Luna, but I also call her Kitty, Kiki, Lulu, Pretty Princess, and a plethora of other barftastic cutesies. And an adorable boyfriend, Wilhelm (of course that's not really his name, but his family is German and he wrestled, so I Googled German wrestlers and found the name Wilhelm so....yeah).
Both are picture here :

2. I'm one semester away from graduating with my associates so I can go on to more real school! Woot on that front. I can't wait to play with skeletons. On a related note, I have also developed a fascination with cannibalism....maybe that's weird, I don't really care. 

3. I have spent much of the year watching Informative Murder Porn and documentaries about serial killers. Also, maybe it's weird but I don't care. 

4. I have also spent many, many hours feeding my Doctor Who obsession. 

5. I got a job as a Pure Romance consultant, selling bath and bedroom accessories....what?! Yeah, I did. 

Umm....So that's that. Otherwise, I'm trying to get my life together and function as a responsible adult and contribute to society. It's a pretty boring idea but I'm pretty bad at it so I guess it's not such a big deal. Speaking of, Wilhelm says it's time to go grocery shopping and I suppose I need to study. Procrastinating over.

Ta ta!

This Was Saved As A Draft And It's Been Sitting As Such For Like A Year...Here You Go!!

Today, I was sitting the hallway, minding my own business waiting for my class to start and witnessed on not one, but two occasions, someone trying to get a drink from the water fountain, only to discover that the water only spouted out about 2 centimeters and then started to shake and rattle and not shut off upon release of that little thing that you push to make it come out in the first place. Good thing I witnessed their failure before trying to fill up my water bottle. Being the occasional wallflower sometimes has its perks.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

For Lack of Better Words, Enter Witty and Sarcastic Title Here

So my last couple of posts have been absent of my usual biting sarcasm and ridiculous adventures, and for that I am truly sorry... hopefully I can redeem myself starting now. But life has been slightly on the uneventful side recently. It's also been kind of like a movie again - those times that are so ever so perfect even if only for a few brief moments, and you know you want them to last longer but if they did, they'd probably be ruined.

It all started at Pat's on Thursday night when it was time to watch the Fiesta Bowl. Unfortunately, K-State lost and there was tragedy in the air but I don't care! I'm still proud to be a Wildcat! So there. Rawr rawr rawr. And one of the boys sitting in front of us just happened to be cute and nerdy and charming and a gentlemen. But of course, my life is not a movie, so after he walked me home and kissed me goodnight and told me he wished I lived in Kansas City, he wandered off into the night to round up his belligerent friends. Part of me is kicking myself for not giving him my number, but the other part of me just says - hey, it was fun and probably would have ruined itself if it had become something more. Let's face it. Between my new job and school and all the other things I'm trying to get straightened out in my life, I don't even need that kind of distraction right now.

And yes, that's right. NEW JOB. So excited. I shall be serving at the Keltic Star Public House - Aggieville's first pub, and it has a British theme and all the comfort food of the homeland. I cannot wait to start, it's all I could hope for as I work my way through school.

So until next time, when hopefully something excited will have happened, I bid you toodles!
Miss Georgia

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's My Cliche New Year's Post

This New Year's Day, I decided to look back to last New Year's Day and go from there. Last year, I wrote this, and reading it now, I'd say that some things were accomplished and others were not. 2012 was an improvement and I learned a lot from my mistakes and regret nothing. Well maybe one thing, but it's not huge. Throughout the year I successfully got carried away, was swept off my feet, did things I'd never done before, made new friends that I love, fell in (and out) of love, finally figured out what I want and what I need right here and now, enrolled in school to complete my associates degree. But I also worked too hard and let it get me down. I didn't watch a sunset, or look at the stars enough, or wiggle my toes in the grass, or smell wildflowers, or crochet very much. I didn't read the stack of books or finish my half-played videogames or dance in the rain or be as graceful as I could've been.

SO this year, I'm going to expect more of myself. I want to get rid of more pointless crap that clutters up my house. I want to bring my kitty cat home. I'm going to crochet more. I'm going to remember birthdays and anniversaries. I'm going to get A's in school and fix my GPA. I'm going to read and play those videogames. I'm going to spend time with my existing friends and make more new ones. I'm going to get a new job. I'm going to get closer to Oregon. I'm going to be healthy. I'm going to be a better human being, a better friend, a better daughter, a better employee, a better volunteer. I'm going to go to more concerts, museums, galleries, parties. I'm going to things for those less fortunate than myself. I'm going to wear more hats and dye my hair even brighter colors. I'm going to explore and have adventures and embrace the world.

It's like 2012 was the year I prepared myself, and 2013 is going to the year that I truly shine. I feel like I'm entering into a new era, a new phase of life. I'm ready to take on whatever you have to throw at me. This is the happiest I've been in so long and I'm so glad that it's how I'm starting the New Year. My year five teacher, Mr Brown, always said "Let's start as we mean to go on" and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Today I'm going to get my house into some form of organization and I'm going to sing and go to the gym and play some Muramasa and get a good night's sleep!

I wish everyone joy and laughter and love to last the entire year, and I'm leaving you with a song.
Mumford & Sons - Not With Haste

So Happy New Year, everyone!
Miss Georgia

Christmas in Review...And Some Other Stuff

The highlights of my
Christmas swag.
I'll just say here that I hope everyone had a jolly good holiday season. I traveled back to the 217 for a few days... it's a good 8 hour drive straight down I-70, but I kind of enjoy it in a weird way. It was the first really good Christmas we've had in years. I wanted a Mr Blobby plush more than anything but my mom couldn't find one so she made me one. My mom is better than yours. If you don't know Mr Blobby, see here for giggles. And yeah, that's a 1.75 liter bottle from my dad. That's how my family does Christmas, ha.

My goal was to make most presents this year, which I succeeded in. I made this painting for my ma. She wanted something Georgia O'Keefe -ish. It reminded me how much I like painting. Maybe I'll do it more during 2013.
We laugh the same because
we're creepy like that.

And then we tried to take pictures to send to the grandparentals over in England but I started making silly faces and then no one could be serious and my dad took pics of my mom and I laughing and it was very apparent that the older I get, the more alike we are.

One hand-made blanket.
They're just so adorable. 
And then one of my wonderful friends got married and it was an amazing shin-dig full of so much love and happiness. I made them a blanket, which I worked really hard on and I'm fairly pleased with myself over it and I have a feeling I'm going to end up making a lot more as my mother has already placed two requests.

So with all that, I'm going to sign off and reflect a little bit and be back soon with my cliche New Years post.

Miss Georgia