Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Have Neglected You Once Again, But I Return in the Spirit of Procrastination!


So it's been a really long time since I've written a post and I feel bad about it. A lot has happened in the past year-ish so let's do a really do quick catch-up.

1. I GOT A KITTY!!! Her name is Luna, but I also call her Kitty, Kiki, Lulu, Pretty Princess, and a plethora of other barftastic cutesies. And an adorable boyfriend, Wilhelm (of course that's not really his name, but his family is German and he wrestled, so I Googled German wrestlers and found the name Wilhelm so....yeah).
Both are picture here :

2. I'm one semester away from graduating with my associates so I can go on to more real school! Woot on that front. I can't wait to play with skeletons. On a related note, I have also developed a fascination with cannibalism....maybe that's weird, I don't really care. 

3. I have spent much of the year watching Informative Murder Porn and documentaries about serial killers. Also, maybe it's weird but I don't care. 

4. I have also spent many, many hours feeding my Doctor Who obsession. 

5. I got a job as a Pure Romance consultant, selling bath and bedroom accessories....what?! Yeah, I did. 

Umm....So that's that. Otherwise, I'm trying to get my life together and function as a responsible adult and contribute to society. It's a pretty boring idea but I'm pretty bad at it so I guess it's not such a big deal. Speaking of, Wilhelm says it's time to go grocery shopping and I suppose I need to study. Procrastinating over.

Ta ta!

This Was Saved As A Draft And It's Been Sitting As Such For Like A Year...Here You Go!!

Today, I was sitting the hallway, minding my own business waiting for my class to start and witnessed on not one, but two occasions, someone trying to get a drink from the water fountain, only to discover that the water only spouted out about 2 centimeters and then started to shake and rattle and not shut off upon release of that little thing that you push to make it come out in the first place. Good thing I witnessed their failure before trying to fill up my water bottle. Being the occasional wallflower sometimes has its perks.