Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Have Neglected You Once Again, But I Return in the Spirit of Procrastination!


So it's been a really long time since I've written a post and I feel bad about it. A lot has happened in the past year-ish so let's do a really do quick catch-up.

1. I GOT A KITTY!!! Her name is Luna, but I also call her Kitty, Kiki, Lulu, Pretty Princess, and a plethora of other barftastic cutesies. And an adorable boyfriend, Wilhelm (of course that's not really his name, but his family is German and he wrestled, so I Googled German wrestlers and found the name Wilhelm so....yeah).
Both are picture here :

2. I'm one semester away from graduating with my associates so I can go on to more real school! Woot on that front. I can't wait to play with skeletons. On a related note, I have also developed a fascination with cannibalism....maybe that's weird, I don't really care. 

3. I have spent much of the year watching Informative Murder Porn and documentaries about serial killers. Also, maybe it's weird but I don't care. 

4. I have also spent many, many hours feeding my Doctor Who obsession. 

5. I got a job as a Pure Romance consultant, selling bath and bedroom accessories....what?! Yeah, I did. 

Umm....So that's that. Otherwise, I'm trying to get my life together and function as a responsible adult and contribute to society. It's a pretty boring idea but I'm pretty bad at it so I guess it's not such a big deal. Speaking of, Wilhelm says it's time to go grocery shopping and I suppose I need to study. Procrastinating over.

Ta ta!

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