I feel like I left you guys hanging a little bit with the last post. If life were a movie, you'd probably figure out that the random guy I made friends with would turn out to be the love of my life and we lived happily ever after, but if you recall I said my life was like a sitcom, not a movie. We parted ways at the end of the night with a hug and "thanks for letting me hang with you" and to be completely honest, I can't even remember his name but I feel like it Wes. Really nice guy, Wes. I'd guess he was hoping for a phone number or something but I disappeared into the night completely content with myself. Then a couple of weeks later, like I said, Mr. President and I got back together. He bought flowers, apologized profusely, swore he was different, the works, but after a couple of days something felt uneasy in my stomach. I remember this particular weekend I was out to the zoo for it's annual Wine in the Wild event, which was a complete blast with some girlfriends and as we were walking around, I noticed myself checking out other guys which is something I never do when I'm in a relationship. I knew right there that it had be over. The next morning while watching the Queen's Jubilee and feeling particularly homesick (my children will be first generation American, though I'm certainly "well" acclimated), things were quite awkward between Mr. President and I, mostly on his end, so I ended it. Of all the times we broke up, that was the only time it was me and it felt good, I did the right thing. I felt strong for the first time in long while. Which brings me back to revelation #2: "What you need and what you want are usually two different things and it takes a lot of courage to pick what you need over what you want, but in the end, you'll be all the better for it." I certainly was all the better for it. However, it was only about a month later that I met G.I. Joe. I know what you're thinking..."rebound", but it really wasn't like that. Once again, though, this is yet another piece of the story I must save for later as it is almost time for me to put my bartending pants back on. When I come back we can get down to revelation #4 and the story of G.I. Joe.
Peace, love, and a couple shots of tequila to get you there
Miss Georgia
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