Tuesday, September 25, 2012

If Something Seems Too Good to be True, It Probably Is.

     Oh, what a long evening behind the bar, but a reasonably pleasant anyway. When you have the right patrons at a bar, a work day never seems so bad. I'm so excited to have tomorrow afternoon to myself though! I have a massive to-do list with tasks ranging from laundry to organizing a new financial plan, painting my nails to reorganizing the kitchen - my to-do lists are always very ambitious.

     Where did I leave off, now? Meeting G.I. Joe and revelation #4, right? "It's okay if people were only meant to be in your life for a brief period of time for a very specific reason." It really is okay. The hard part is coming to terms with the fact that that's all it was meant to be. The hard part is knowing whether you're supposed to keep fighting or just gracefully let go. And I won't lie - I fought a little bit, enough to have won something that was meant to be fought for, but when I didn't win it I let go and accepted that I received the lesson I was supposed to learn and that it was time to move on.
     The story begins on a Saturday night. I was behind the bar and my friend, Andrea, and her husband, Dave, came in for dinner and a couple of drinks. At this point I'd been single for about a month and a half, and I really wasn't looking for anything in particular, but Dave always joked about me going out and meeting up with his "single army friends". I'm always down to meet new people and have some fun, and I'd been out with them before and had a blast so I said I would meet them in Aggieville after I got off work. Fast forward a few hours and I'm at one of my least favorite bars in the Ville with my roommate, Andrea, Dave, and two of Dave's coworkers - one of whom strikes up a conversation with me. This guy is wearing aviators in a bar at night - "what a douche," I'm thinking, "what a complete douche." But I'm not a bitch and there wasn't much else going on so I tell myself "why not" and give the guy a shot at entertaining me. Apparently he thought I was just another bimbo looking to be someone's trophy, because he wasn't expecting to have full on intelligent conversation with me. Let me just say, that's how I rope 'em in - charm, wits, honesty, and a few flutters of the lashes - works every time. I've never been the kind of girl who pretends to be someone else to impress people, I'm very much so "what you see is what you get;" it's always best to keep it real. So, after talking with this guy for a little while, I started to become internally conflicted. "Is this guy a total tool or does he just like to be stupid when he's had a few drinks?" By the end of the night we exchanged Facebooks (yeah, not phone numbers, Facebooks), and he and his roommate drifted off onto a dance floor while I sat at the bar enjoying my beer. I honestly thought nothing of the exchange at the time, but little did I know, this aviator-wearing douchebag would become the guy that made me realize how much I'm into those military uniforms...

     I don't want to get too carried away in one post, so you'll just have to wait. In the meantime, you guys should tell me what your to-do lists are looking like!

Sweet dream, friends! Until tomorrow,
Miss Georgia

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