Let's get real with each other right off the bat - I'm terrible at blogging. I always think it's the coolest thing ever the first couple days and then I never do it again. But I'm turning over a new leaf, becoming a different person, trying new things so I want you to help me stick with this one. Let's see how it goes!
Why a new beginning? Well it was recently my twenty-fourth birthday and I found it quite life changing. I woke up and everything made sense. Everything. The recent break-up (G.I. Joe), the not-so-recent break-up (Mr. President), the non-stop working (two jobs), the stupid people - I felt calm about all of it for the first time ever. I'm not a calm person, I blame my mother. This dawning serenity that I just happened to wake up with on the birthday morning, I found it a little odd, but I'm not questioning it and I'm trying not to take it for granted. It was especially strange because I hate birthdays. A lot. I completely dread them every year and don't even get me started on people singing "Happy Birthday". I seem to remember when I was about six and my mom threw a party and all my classmates started singing and I locked myself in the bathroom and cried. I know, I know... I'm probably a freak but that's just how I feel about birthdays. However, this enlightenment made this particular birthday somewhat bearable even though I have no idea what mystic being swept into my room overnight and graced me with such a gift but whatever World, I'll take whatever you want to give me right now. I need all the help I can get.
Now I know I've left a lot of things skimmed over, didn't give you much to sink your teeth into, and maybe even left you with a few questions, but have no worries. Hold tight. I have to run along to job number two - the Cuban place, where I have the delightful pleasure of serving and occasionally bartending (today being one of those occasions). So stop by for a drink if you're in town, and if not, I'll get back to the story-telling soon. My life is too much like a sitcom to keep it all to myself anymore.
If you need something to keep you going, check out this song:
"Alone" - Trampled by Turtles
It literally changed my life, but again, that's another story.
It literally changed my life, but again, that's another story.
Let me know which story you want to hear first or any questions you have so far! :)
Toodles for now,
Miss Georgia
Erm, you got it from your mother?